Scandinavian Studies at Freiburg is one of the larger departments of this field of study in the German-speaking area. In teaching and research we focus on North Germanic languages and Scandinavian literature and culture, both contemporary and historic.
An important feature of our Department is the comparative perspective in all three divisions of Scandinavian Studies: Scandinavian Linguistics, which is only offered by few universities in Germany, Modern Literature and Culture, as well as Medieval Studies. All main languages of Scandinavia - Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish - are taught regularly. In addition, Saami languages are consistently a topic of both research and teaching. Student numbers range between 240 and 260.
The Department of Scandinavian Studies in Freiburg is part of the Eucor-Network Scandinavian Studies/Eucor-Réseau en Etudes Scandinaves, together with the Universities of Basel, Strasbourg (Marc Bloch) and Tübingen. The Department in Freiburg is, for the time being, home to the Association of Germanophone Scandinavian Studies (Fachverband Skandinavistik).