The Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies
Saami languages have been researched and taught at the Department of Scandinavian Studies on a regular basis since 2008. The Freiburg Research Group in Saami Studies was created in 2013 under the direction of Michael Rießler as a result of new externally-funded linguistics projects. The group is also affiliated with a number of other projects dealing with languages, literatures and other aspects of indigenous cultures in the Arctic regions of Northern Eurasia and indigenous studies in general.
Go to our Archive of previous projects and activities
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Skandinavisches Seminar
Platz der Universität 3
D-79098 Freiburg
Office location
Belfortstr. 16, 3rd floor, room 3005
Top | Click here for previous members- Dr. Michael Rießler (head of the research group)
- Dr. Joshua Wilbur (currently visiting lecturer, University of Tartu)

Top | Click here for previous projects- Language Documentation meets Language Technology: The Next Step in the Description of Komi (at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Uppsala)
- funded by: Koneen Säätiö / Kone Foundation
- Principal investigators: Michael Rießler [with Rogier Blokland (project administrator), Niko Partanen]
- Planned duration: 3/2017-12/2021
- The changing environment of the North: Cultural representations and uses of water (CEN) (at the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Tampere)
- funded by: Academy of Finland
- Affiliated researcher: Michael Rießler
- Planned duration: 9/2017–8/2021
- Grammatical Descriptions, Corpora, and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages (at the Department of Uralic Studies and HZSK, University of Hamburg)
- funded by: Academies' Programme at The Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
- Second applicant: Michael Rießler [with Beáta Wagner-Nagy (first applicant and project administrator)]
- Planned duration: 1/2016-12/2033
- Book series Samica
- Editors: Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur together with Thomas Mohnike (Strasbourg)
- funded by:
- Finnish Literature Exchange (FILI) (first volume)
- Duoddara Ráfe Pite Saami Center and Arjeplog municipality (second volume)
- Østsamisk museum (third volume [in preparation])
- Duration: since 10/2014

Top | Click here for previous eventsWorkshops and Conferences
- Michael Rießler [with Benjamin Fagard, Niko Partanen, Thierry Poibeau] Computational Methods for Endangered Language Documentation and Description, 1-2 February, Paris
- Michael Rießler [with Jack Rueter, Tommi A. Pirinen, Trond Trosterud, Francis M. Tyers] Fourth International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages, 8-9 January, Helsinki
Top | Click here for previous presentations2018
- Michael Rießler, Niko Partanen [with KyungTae Lim, Thierry Poibeau]: "Dependency parsing of code-switching data with cross-lingual feature representations" (Poster), Fourth International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic languages, 8-9 January 2018, Helsinki

Top | Click here for previous publicationsDatabases
- Kola Saami (Kildin, Ter, Akkala und Skolt)
- The Language Archive (TLA) at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen
- Michael Rießler: Kildin Saami. Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages, ed. by Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Johanna Laakso and Elena Skribnik. Oxford: OUP.
- Joshua Wilbur [with Erich Kasten, Katja Roller (eds.)]: Oral History Meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
- Michael Rießler, Joshua Wilbur: "Documenting endangered oral histories of the Arctic. A proposed symbiosis for language documentation, language technology, and oral history research" In: E. Kasten, K. Roller, J. Wilbur (eds), Oral History Meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
- Michael Rießler [with Tommi A. Pirinen, Trond Trosterud, Francis M. Tyers (eds.)]: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic languages. (ACL Anthology).
- Niko Partanen, Michael Rießler, Joshua Wilbur [with Ciprian Gerstenberger]: "Instant annotations. Applying NLP methods to the annotation of spoken language documentation corpora." In: Tommi A. Pirinen, Michael Rießler, Trond Trosterud, and Francis M. Tyers (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic languages. 25-36.

Top | Click here for previous teachingSoSe 2021
- VORLESUNG (Michael Rießler): Saamische Literatur